Series Two Concludes - Summary 2022
1. Intro 2. E58 - Battle of Britain 3. E55 - Gladiator 4. E59 - Artillery 5. E47, 53 & 62 - Bloody Russia 6. Banditry 7. E48,49 & 50 - I.E.D 8. What’s coming in 2023
Bloody Violent History Season 2 is drawing to a close - this being our valedictory episode for 2022. James Jackson and I have published 29 episodes since our last summary in 2021. I hope you agree the range has been wide and that you have enjoyed our output. Listen to all episodes on our website or via your podcast app. Please send us feedback and requests to [email protected] – we read and respond to all your messages.
And fear not the airways wont collapse into silence on this channel – Jamie will record a Bloody Bite for you, to keep you ticking over until the New Year. So if you haven’t listened to our show yet, or need a gentle reminder of what we like to talk about, here are some snippets from 2022.
So it goes
Tom Assheton & James Jackson
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